In September 1931, Reginald Joseph (RJ) Mitchell, Chief designer and engineer at Supermarine Aviation, joined Lodge of Concord 4910. He was finding it difficult to attend meetings at his Mother Lodge, Jasper Lodge 3934 in Stoke-on-Trent, due to his ever increasing work commitments and the distance involved. He didn’t however want to give up his Freemasonry and looked for a more local Lodge to attend.

We are very proud of the fact that he chose our Lodge and we honour and remember this remarkable Brother every year with our Spitfire Night celebrations. Partners and non-Masons join the Lodge members for a 30’s-40’s themed evening with nostalgic dress, a period singer and lots of Spitfire memorabilia.

Images from ‘Spitfire Night’ at Lodge of Concord 4910

If you are already a Freemason, are interested in becoming a Freemason or you just have an interest in the Spitfire, aviation in general or enjoy a good old-fashioned nostalgic knees up, get in touch and come along to our next Spitfire Night.

You will find some pictures of our recent Spitfire Nights in the gallery below.


If you are interested in joining Lodge of Concord and would like to talk to someone in person, or if you are a Freemason and would like to attend one of our Lodge meetings as a visitor, please get in touch with us:

Tel:07881 972475